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Vaping & Your Health
While the use of vaping is on the rise, unfortunately so are the harmful effects. Vaping has shown direct links to serious medical issues, including death. While you may have been told through various media outlets or advertising itself that vaping is not harmful or addictive, unfortunately, these statements have been proven to be false. Amid this health crisis a well-known e-cigarette company, known as JUUL may be a common name in your home. If you or a loved one have used JUUL products for an extended amount of time, take a moment to educate yourself on potential risks that may be affecting your health now or in the future.
What You Should Know About Vaping
When a substance is inhaled that contains nicotine, it is addictive
Nicotine is considered a harmful substance
Chemicals found in many vaping pods have harmful effects on the body or effects that haven’t been discovered yet
The Potential Health Hazards From Juuling
- Elevated blood pressure
- Increased risk of lung disease and chronic respiratory issues
- Increased resistance to insulin
When addictive products like the JUUL make their way into the hands of our youth and adolescents these effects can be more traumatic. As our Charlotte youth can easily be influenced and often mislead by marketing tactics directly preying on them it is important to educate and pay attention to any damaging health outcomes as a direct result of the use of the JUUL.
If you or a loved one have suffered potential harmful side effects as a result of the JUUL, please contact our experienced attorneys at Campbell & Associates today. Our legal team in Charlotte, North Carolina stands behind our clients to fight for the compensation they deserve. Your free consultation is just a phone call away, 704.333.0885.
We want to hear your story, so we can help.
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