Talcum Powder & Ovarian Cancer Lawsuits
we want to hear your story
Campbell & Associates is evaluating claims on behalf of women in the United States that have developed Ovarian Cancer after using Talcum or baby powders. There have been numerous studies that have linked these powders developed by Johnson & Johnson to ovarian cancer. In 2003, a study concluded that women who used Talcum Powder were 33% more likely to develop ovarian cancer. The claims come from women at this point that state that using these powders for personal hygiene to stay dry and on their babies led to a development of ovarian cancer. Reports of Johnson & Johnson knowing about the link to ovarian cancer come as early as 1982 and continue today.
There have been two lawsuits filed so far, in both of them, the juries have determined that Johnson & Johnson were negligent in providing a warning to consumers that prolonged use of Talcum Powder could increase the risk of cancer. Both of these verdicts were extremely high due to the punitive damages (money awarded to the victims in order to penalize Johnson & Johnson for supposedly knowing about the risks without warning consumers). In the first lawsuit the jury awarded the victim $72 million. In May of 2020, a new verdict of $2.1 billion has been set.
Important Questions
- Do you have Ovarian Cancer?
- How long have you been diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer?
- Did you use Talcum Powder, Johnson’s Baby Powder or Show to Shower Powder frequently on yourself?
- Did you use the Talcum Powder, Johnson’s Baby Powder or Shower to Shower Powder frequently on your children?
- How often did you use the powder(s)?
If you have used any of these Johnson & Johnson talcum powders and have developed ovarian cancer, or if you have a loved one that has died from ovarian cancer and you know that they have used talcum powder on themselves consistently you may be entitled to compensation under the law. We at Campbell & Associates are here to help you through these difficult times.
We handle our cases locally. We’re not a large national law firm chain that just thinks of you as a number. Get the customer service you deserve. We have been helping victims for over two decades, let our experience at Campbell & Associates lead you.
Call today for a free consultation 704-333-0885.
*The contingency percentage attorney’s fee will be taken from the total recovery before costs and expenses are paid or reimbursed.
We want to hear your story, so we can help.

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