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Why You Should Always Ask Before Petting A Dog
Every year in the U.S., 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs. Approximately 800,000 require medical attention. Some are so severely injured that their lives are changed forever. In 20
15, 34 people died from dog bites. If you are bitten by a dog, you may be able to be compensated for your injuries from the dog owner. But, if the owner can prove you provoked the dog, you may not be able to collect. For a free case evaluation, contact a Charlotte dog bite attorney at Campbell & Associates.
Never Pet a Dog Without the Permission of the Owner and the Dog
The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) warns people not to assume that all dogs like to be petted at all times. You should never pet a dog that is not with its owner, and then you should never pet it without the permission of the owner. Owners know their pets. They know the signs their pet exhibits of anxiety and stress. Owners know of approaches their dog does not like. The dog may have a medical condition that makes it not like to be touched, or at least not touched in certain areas of their body. There are some dogs who do not like to be pettedat all and others for whom non-stop petting is what they crave.
One woman, writing for the Progressive Animal Welfare Society (PAWS), notes that people do not run up to strangers in the park and touch them or hug them without their permission and the same is true of dogs. Even if the owner gives permission for you to pet the dog, you should still get the “permission” of the dog. She suggests that, after the owner has given you permission to pet the dog, you crouch to its level and begin talking softly to the dog. Do not make any sudden movements, but slowly offer the dog the back of your hand. If it is comfortable, it will approach your hand to sniff it. This makes the dog the one who approaches, not you as the stranger. If the dog stiffens, or shows any other signs of being uncomfortable with your approach, or with your petting after you thought you had permission, do not push it. Stop petting the dog at any sign of its discomfort. If you have the owner’s and the dog’s permission, and get bit anyway, you may have a claim for personal injury against the dog owner.
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