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Hurt on the Job? The Importance of Reporting Your Work Injury.
Reporting your work injury to your employer in the beginning is a very important step in your workers’ compensation claim. Even if you believe that your work injury is “just a little muscle strain,” it is better to report your injury and not need treatment, rather than to need treatment and face a denial for failure to report your injury.
Employers and their insurance companies need to be given the opportunity to conduct an investigation into the circumstances surrounding your work injury. Many people do not realize that workers’ compensation does not cover injuries on the job, but actually covers “injuries by accident” arising out of your employment. Each body part has a different definition of “injury by accident” and it is the job of the insurance adjuster to determine whether your injury is compensable or not. Insurance companies often state that the injured worker must not have been injured very badly if they did not report the injury immediately. Often times the workers’ compensation insurance company will be more likely to accept your claim if it is able to investigate the circumstances of your injury quickly.
The North Carolina Industrial Commission offers basic answers to the injured workers’ questions on their website. However, if your injury looks like it will result in missed time from work, it is recommended that you consult with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney who can offer you assistance with getting your medical treatment authorized and provide you with sound legal advice throughout the process. If you have been injured on the job, you need to report your work injury immediately and call us today at 704-333-0885, we can help. Free consultations available same day and with offices in Charlotte, Hickory, Gastonia and Rock Hill, SC we’re just a short distance away.
Written by: Melanie Meacham, Workers’ Compensation Paralegal, Campbell & Associates, Attorneys at Law
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