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Remaining Private While Going Through Your Injury Case
A few years ago, a man made national news when a video of him went viral. It showed him struggling against a large boulder, pushing until he dislodged it and it rolled down a hill. At first, there were repercussions from Goblin Valley State Park in Utah, claiming he violated the law by disturbing the natural terrain in a state park. But, that was not the end of his problems. As it turns out, he was in the midst of personal injury litigation in which he claimed he was disabled having suffered “serious, permanent and debilitating” injuries stemming from a car accident.
The defendant in the case saw the video and used it as ammunition against the plaintiff, pointing out that if he had really been as injured as he claimed, he would not have been able to dislodge the boulder. CNN’s legal analyst suggested that when people are involved in personal injury litigation, they should “avoid the camera like a plague.” The North Carolina personal injury lawyers at Campbell & Associates likely agree. You can contact them for advice and for a free consultation if you have suffered any type of personal injury.
How to Protect Yourself During Personal Injury Litigation
When you are the plaintiff in a personal injury lawsuit, the defense will pull out all the stops in an effort to prove you are not as injured as you claim to be. Anything you post can and will be used against you. The best advice is to give up social media. Cancel your account and do not post anything. You may think you have adjusted your privacy settings so that only your closest friends can view your site. This is wrong. Anyone can access it if they try. If you are unwilling to cancel your account, here are some guideline to follow.
- Do not post on any social media site anything about your case or how you hope to get a large monetary award. This makes you look like you are not really injured and are only interested in getting some money.
- Do not post photos of yourself laughing, drinking and acting silly. This gives rise to questions about your character and if you have a bad character, it can lead some to question your credibility.
- Do not post any photos of yourself at all. Even a smiling photo may be used by the defense to negate your claim that you have lost your capacity for the enjoyment of life.
- Tell your friends they cannot post any photos of you or any statements about any activity you may have participated in with them.
This may seem harsh, but insurance adjusters are seeking ways to deny your claim. Do not give them any ammunition to use against you.
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Membership in the Million Dollar Advocates Forum is limited to attorneys who have won million and multi-million dollar verdicts and settlements. You can find the criteria for membership in the Million Dollar Advocates by clicking here. Campbell & Associates Personal Injury Firm does not represent or claim that similar results will be achieved in your case.
The National Trial Lawyers is a national organization composed of the Top 100 Trial Lawyers from each state. Membership to the organization is obtained through special invitation and is extended only to those attorneys who exemplify superior qualifications, leadership, reputation, influence, stature, and profile as trial lawyers, both civil plaintiff and criminal defense. For more information on the National Trial Lawyers organization click here. Campbell & Associates Personal Injury Firm does not represent or claim that similar results will be achieved in your case.