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What Is Personal Injury Case Management?
When you’ve been involved in an auto accident and are injured by the negligence or carelessness of someone else, we hope you will call Campbell & Associates and allow us to assist you with your claim against the at-fault party. If you do allow us to assist you, you will be assigned a Case Manager who works in the office nearest you. This makes it more convenient when you want to set an appointment to come by with questions or if you want to drop off information. The Case Manger’s duty is to hold your hand the claim process and serve as a liaison to the other staff members who will be working on your claim.
Actually you may have two claims: one for bodily injury and one for property damage, if you were driving or a passenger in your own vehicle. The first issue to be dealt with, after setting up your claim and getting liability accepted, is to work to get your vehicle damages resolved. The property damage will, as a rule, settle more quickly once liability has been accepted.
The bodily injury claim will be negotiated after you’ve completed treatment and all you medical records, bills, prescriptions and lost wages have been assembled into a demand package and sent to the liability adjuster. To insure that the demand package is complete, all the information contained therein will be confirmed with you. Our goal is to get a top offer that is within a jury verdict range reflective of your pain, suffering, medical treatment, and bills. While every case is different and we cannot guarantee any outcome in particular, our team of attorneys and support staff review each case thoroughly to make sure we maximize the potential for your recover.
If you accept the offer, we will move forward with getting the check in from the liability adjuster and prepare a settlement memo where you will see the amount of the settlement, all the final bills/ fees to be paid from it, and your in-pocket amount.
But what if you don’t accept the settlement offer? If you refuse the settlement offer, then the litigation team will discuss with you the positives and negatives of filing a lawsuit. If the you and the litigation team decide that court is an option that everyone is comfortable with, the journey will continue on with the litigation team.
Actual court proceedings are tedious, time consuming, expensive and, since your settlement is left to a jury to decide, the outcome is unpredictable. Be assured, if a decision is made by our litigation team to take your claim to court, your attorney will be well-informed and well-prepared due to the Case Manager’s diligence in recording and sharing all pertinent information with the attorney and all other involved staff.
We want to hear your story, so we can help.
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Membership in the Million Dollar Advocates Forum is limited to attorneys who have won million and multi-million dollar verdicts and settlements. You can find the criteria for membership in the Million Dollar Advocates by clicking here. Campbell & Associates Personal Injury Firm does not represent or claim that similar results will be achieved in your case.
The National Trial Lawyers is a national organization composed of the Top 100 Trial Lawyers from each state. Membership to the organization is obtained through special invitation and is extended only to those attorneys who exemplify superior qualifications, leadership, reputation, influence, stature, and profile as trial lawyers, both civil plaintiff and criminal defense. For more information on the National Trial Lawyers organization click here. Campbell & Associates Personal Injury Firm does not represent or claim that similar results will be achieved in your case.