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Locked Up? How Going To Jail Can Affect Your Social Security Benefits.
A person’s Social Security benefits might not be the first thing on their mind when faced with incarceration. However, if your family depends on your benefits, it is important to know what changes might be coming your way. Find out how jail affects your social security benefits below.
Social Security Disability
Social Security Disability benefits will continue to be paid out while you are confined until there is a criminal conviction. Your benefits will be suspended if you are imprisoned for more than 30 consecutive days due to being convicted of a criminal offense. Social Security allows an exception for prisoners participating in certain rehabilitation programs which you can read more about on the Social Security website. Any benefits that your children are eligible for based on your disability will continue to be paid out.
Supplemental Security Income
Supplemental Security Income payments are suspended while imprisoned regardless of a criminal conviction. The suspension of payment begins once you have been confined for a full calendar month. If confinement lasts for a total of 12 consecutive months or longer, your eligibility for Supplemental Security Income benefits will terminate. If termination occurs, you will have to file a new claim for benefits.
Once you have been released, you will need to contact your local Social Security office to get benefits reinstated if suspension occurred. To have benefits reinstated you will need to provide the local office with documentation of your release from incarceration.
If you’ve been denied your social security benefits, after applying to the government we may be able to help. Call us today for a free consultation at 704-333-0885. With convenient office locations in Charlotte, Gastonia, Hickory, Monroe and Rock Hill, SC we have experienced attorneys ready to help you with your social security disability issues.
We want to hear your story, so we can help.
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