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What To Expect When You Take Your Dog Bite Case to Small Claims Court
Cases involving dog bites rarely ever see their way through the entire litigation process. Most cases resolve with some form of settlement agreement negotiated between the homeowner or renter and one of our experienced dog bite attorneys at Campbell & Associates. The litigation process can be gruesomely long, tiring and expensive, so in many cases it isn’t worth the hassle. This, however, may not be true for cases where there are extreme damages sustained as a result of a more vicious dog bite or attack. Even though most cases do not end up going through litigation, it is wise to be prepared and know what to expect.
Dog Bite Law
North Carolina is a “one bite rule” state. What this means is that an owner of a dog is liable for injuries that are caused by their dog only if the owner knew or had reason to know that the dog was likely to cause that kind of injury. This means that if a dog attempts to bite someone one time, from that moment on, the owner is put on notice that the dog is likely to cause an injury from a dog bite. If the dog then goes on to bite another person, then the owner will be liable.
What To Expect
When you are bit by a dog, you are going to want to be very meticulous with the injury you sustain as a result. Emergency room or doctor visits, any medication you have to take for the pain, any ruined clothing and even pain and suffering to a degree are all things that are compensable under the law, meaning that you can recover monetary damages as a result of the dog bite. You are going to need the services of a Charlotte law firm specializing in personal injury law as well.
Your attorney is going to see if there were any witnesses of the event and will utilize them to help prove your case. However, the outcomes from these kinds of cases are wildly unpredictable, even when you have documented evidence and witnesses. The best solution, at least up front, is to attempt to settle with the other person. Only if those attempts fail should you pursue full litigation.
If you or a loved one has been bitten by a dog or your dog has bitten someone else, we can help. Call Campbell & Associates today at 704-333-0885 for a free consultation, our experts are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
We want to hear your story, so we can help.
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